Building Your Unit
Keshe Plasma Technology
Introduction to Building Spaceships
Tidbits from the 149th KSW of December 8, 2016
The Italian Civil Defense is asking for more health patches and water cleanup devices for the earthquake zone in northern Italy. The water units are cutting down the water contamination by 45%. Giovani gives us an update.
Japan and Tepco are working directly with the Keshe Foundation concerning the recent earthquake damages to the third nuclear reactor. They have already had 2 meetings. Their concerns will be given to the International Energy Agency (IEA) which will be releasing information to the public as it happens.
Cancer testing is proceeding with 3 more countries starting testing trials in the new year.
The Ghana Atomic University Masters and PhD programs are proceeding and will be starting in January 2017. As soon as the African research products become functional they will be immediately put on the African market. People in other countries can order them also, but must deal with the individual custom and border requirements of their particular country themselves.
The Creation of Fields for Spaceship Construction presentation given by Jon from Arizona manufacturing introduced us to ways of amplifying and containing plasma fields from various sources. In bringing forward the usage of plasma for our future, he showed us their successes and failures so we have the opportunity to learn and unlock any technology from all of them. We are all operating together in a unified field that is growing in intensity. He showed us 18 reactors in a starfield control system format. It became obvious that the field goes further than the device they used in demonstration was showing.
Mr. Keshe also talked about Magravs as emotional units with different emotions being activated by different ganses. People absorb different fields from different ganses.
Ghana is the first country in the world to officially accept the world peace treaty. (2 hour, 34 minutes)
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