
Public Teaching for Gardeners and Growers

November 19th, 2016 Questions? Email us here

On the second and fourth Sunday of each month at 7pm Sydney Australia time, is a Public Teaching for Gardeners and Growers. The first one will be starting November 27 2016. It will be delivered in three parts. It will start with theory then move into practical applications and end with input from the class.
Using CO2 in various ways is increasing the shelf life of vegetables and meats, eliminating odor.
A formula of CO2 and CuO can be sprayed on food while it is cooking to eliminate contaminants and fungus growth. We are not killing germs. We are creating an environment that is unsuitable for them to live so they move on.
Scientists in Ghana are spending a week or so in the lab then a week or so in the field teaching people. CO2 has become the new natural preservative.
Mr. Keshe talked about the three kinds of cancer; evolution, accidents, and emotions. What is elevated in the body, zinc or copper? Check the salts. Is Sulphur or magnesium elevated? Check the gene line if zinc is high. You could be dealing with the desire to die of the client.
Talk of the creation of deuterium and its importance in flight. When you make gans of deuterium there is a bluish tint to the water. That is why this is called the blue planet.
Mr. Kesha thought the solid state generator development would be finalized within 1 to 2 weeks so it could be moved into mass production.
There was an update on the worldwide tectonic plate movements. The movement of asteroids will change as the magnetic & gravitation fields change. We will see new shooting stars.
Further information is shared at; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU_kGOCIuok

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