March 28th 2021 Questions? Email us here
Video first (4 minutes)Then print questions to ask your health professional
March 28th 2021 Questions? Email us here
Video first (4 minutes)Then print questions to ask your health professional
March 24th 2021 Questions? Email us here
March 17th 2021 Questions? Email us here
March 17th 2021 Questions? Email us here
Last week a doctor working at a KKR hospital in Japan called to say that all so-called “C0vid-19” cases in Japan were located at KKR hospitals and that all the patients he saw were victims of an electromagnetic attack, not a virus.
A Canadian whistleblower ER doctor describing the medical crimes of the Justin Castro regime.
The call has now been put out to hunt down and arrest all mRNA vaccine pushers, 5G promoters, etc. as war criminals. “The death penalty has been pronounced against all those promoting worldwide genocide and fraudulent vaxxine-based genetic engineering. The heads of Pfizer and Astra Z are being hunted by Special Forces. The same is true of international bankers using fraudulent high-frequency trading programs powered by supercomputers.”
The message pointed the finger of blame at the Vatican and the French BRI police unit.
Monsanto has been found guilty of chemical poisoning. This is a foretaste of what is going to happen to the vaxxine companies.
We were contacted last week by Federal Reserve Board officials offering triple-digit returns in fiat dollars if we could get them access to some “dragon family money.” Of course, they were told to run.
That’s why the Vatican is now bankrupt.
The money they produce is now only accepted in the United States, which is why the M1 money supply, which took 244 years to reach $4 trillion by early 2020, has now risen to over $20 trillion.
“The entire accounting system of the federal government is fraudulent.”
Like Joe B/iden, Netanyahu exists only via mask-wearing deep-fake doubles and now as a digital CG ghost.
The White House remains empty:
We have confirmed from both the CIA and NSA that most of the leaders of this terrorist attack, including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach and Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, were executed for their roles in the attack. Other perpetrators such as Baron Thyssen are being tried.
The military now needs to occupy the headquarters of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, etc. as soon as possible and hunt down their executives to put an end to all the deep fakes and CGs we see on our ubiquitous screens.
Remember, the truth will set us free.
March 13th 2021 Questions? Email us here
March 12th 2021 Questions? Email us here
March 10th 2021 Questions? Email us here
March 4th 2021 Questions? Email us here
E. Tues. 2 March Gene Decoder by Mark A. Baughman: “In the last week or so many Special Ops Forces have died while clearing out D.U.M.B.S and rescuing children in underground tunnels and bases that the illuminati has set-up worldwide. The tunnels were being blown-up with Alliance forces specialized and trained in this combat tactics that has been going on for over four years. It was a recent trap by the Cabal troops. They appeared to be surrendering, but blew up all. This was the Divine order to the highest degree, to save the children and stop ab/uses for all people, especially the chi/ldren. This is why the flag at Mar-O-Largo was flying at half-mask. Please pray every day for the brave Alliance soldiers.”
F. Wed. 3 March Judy Note: Deep Underground Tunnels (DUMBS) were being destroyed after Alliance Special Forces had rescued multi-millions of tor/tured chi/ldren – over a million in Australia alone. The latest in the worldwide operation was the rescue of over 100,000 traumatized chi/ldren and cor/pses found two miles beneath the White House and Capitol Hill.
Since 2018 on the order of President Trump and the Pentagon Ped/ophile Task Force, US Marines and Special Forces have trained themselves and military forces worldwide for the rescue of millions of these na/ked, tor/tured and malformed chi/ldren and bo/dies out of DUMBS across the US and globe. Congress, Biden Arrested as Military Rescues Tortured Children From Tunnels Beneath Capitol Hill | Politics | Before It’s News
The DUMBS have been built day and night since the 1940s when after World War II, George HW Bush organized the CIA, imported Nazi Mind Control experts into the US and Canada to do tortuous experiments on children and funded the tunnels to be built.
Corpses and victims trapped in the vast tunnel system across the globe included pregnant prete/ens, deformed ba/bies, piles of little cor/pses whose bo/dies appeared to be used for org/an har/vesting, na/ked chi/ldren – some of whom had never seen the light of day – locked in cages, electro-shocked for hu/man experiments, org/an har/vesting, tor/turous mind control, se/xual exploitation and Adrenochrome production – the blo/od of a traumatized chi/ld said to cause a “high” and age reversal, although cutting off the supply meant a horrendous death for perpetrators.
The tunnels were used for global and political elite, plus local Sat/anic coven ped/ophile parties and chi/ld sac/rifices in honor of Sat/an. Tunnel facilities were also child “training” stations for Sat/an follower perpetrators in order to traumatize-mind control their own or kid/napped chi/ldren into multiple personalities and thus secure lifetime control over victims.
In the US alone there were over 120 DUMBS that connected most major cities including all capital cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, US Army Bases, FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS Control centers. The tunnels were over two miles underground, with diameters from ten miles high to 30 miles across. They contained large underground cities with human experiment stations connected by high speed magneto-levity trains with speeds up to 1500 mph.
In the past 40 years alone US taxpayer monies in excess of 12 trillion dollars has come out of the CIA Black Budget to spend on digging, building and maintaining the massive, covert infrastructure for the founding of a One World Government and New World Religion.
Reference; click here for dialogue
March 4th 2021 Questions? Email us here
Movie 1; exposing the corruption of thousands of years of banking exploitation, through mind manipulation right into present day election fraud.
'The Cult of Lucifer', narrated by Sacha Stone is the first of four movies being produced by Robert David Steele and funded by individual donors to expose the connection between election fraud; corrupt and controlled legislators, judges, and executives; Wall Street treason and crime with government complicity; and Satanic pedophilia, a major source of both Wall Street profit and Wall Street depravity.
March 3rd 2021 Questions? Email us here
Become an Ambassador of Peace. Authorize the World Peace Treaty, and frame it. Talk about it. We are ready for peace by December 31, 2016...