
US Space Force new internet system

 March 3rd  2021   Questions? Email us here 

US Space Force new, safe internet system

A new and clear platform for the Internet has been developed under the US Space Force with three satellites called the Starlink System. Starlink was activated at 8:15 Mon. 1 March and was presently being tested. Starlink would be linked into cell phone services for a much safer and efficient system than we have now.

Please Join the Telegram group for all the latest information on the movie exposing child trafficking. The movie, The Sound of Freedom, is being released as we speak. 

Judy Note: Although our main Intel sources were under Non Disclosure Agreements and couldn’t give Intel, we do know that Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) notification was imminent in order to obtain appointments to exchange/ redeem at the special rates.

Redemption Centers were prepared to do redemption/ exchanges at the special rates starting Thurs. 4 March or Fri. 5 March and go through Sun. 14 March.
A Wealth Manager at a lead bank suggested that this could be released tonight Tues. 2 March and we could get notified Wed. 3 March or Thurs. 4 March.
Another military source said that Tier 4B would be notified Thurs. 4 March and start exchanges on Fri. 5 March.
The Emergency Broadcast System was set up to go on the same time table.
Those exchanges/redemptions for Tier 4B would go to Mon. 15 March, when the general public could then exchange foreign currencies at the new international rates.
On Sun. 28 Feb. Trump flew to Switzerland directly after finishing his CPAC Speech. It was believed that he was starting Nesara/Gesara.  
An Inaugural event in Washington DC has been scheduled that began on Thurs. 4 March and went to Sat. 6 March. (According to Juan O Savin this event was scheduled last 10 Dec. 2020).
On Fri. March 5 at 6:30 pm EST there was expected to be a takeover of Mainstream Media across the globe (because of the Mainstream Media’s treasonous refusal to announce that the US was functioning under Martial Law).
On March 12 evidence would be published of a plot perpetrated by France and China to overtake the globe by spreading false info on C19.
On March 14 the National Guard Troops were scheduled to leave Washington DC.
NESARA would kick off sometime between now and Wed. 15 March.
On Mon 15 March NESARA could be announced to the general public.
Sat. 20 March was the end day for a 60 day Presidential power transfer that began on Jan. 20 according to Public Law no S.394 116-121: Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019, passed by the 116th Congress on 3 March 2020.
As Mass Arrests continued, unrest built up and Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) were being taken down nationwide, there was a possibility that the US would be in a national lockdown, including orders for school and business closures for around two weeks.
This could happen at any time depending upon how events played out. Trump insider Robert David Steele said, “Patriots were urged to stay off the streets and away from State Capitols — False Flag events intended to discredit patriots were known to be planned. NON-VIOLENCE was VITAL. Obey the law, allow events to play out.”
On 15 April 2021 Republic would be restored to concepts of the original Constitution.
On Wed. 24 Feb. at 4:30 am EST Quantum Financial System switch had been turned on. At 10 am EST that day they shut down the Federal Reserve System – the Cabal had been completely cut off from using We the People taxpayer dollars. By 6pm EST the new US Treasury, plus treasuries of 209 countries across the globe had been absorbed into the QFS, after which the fiat US Dollar crashed and the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note activated.

A new and safe platform for the Internet has been developed under the US Space Force with three satellites called the Starlink System. Starlink was activated at 8:15 Mon. 1 March and was presently being tested. Starlink would be linked into cell phone services for a much safer and efficient system than we have now.

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