
The Official Launch of Miracle!

June 10th, 2017    Questions? Email us here 

Announcing the Official Launch of Miracle!

You are invited to experience leading edge plasma healing technology from the comfort of your own home through Miracle, a revolutionary new way to approach wellness!

Miracle was created by Wayne R. Wangle. It is open for booking in person at the Plasma Balancing Systems LLC office in Rainier, WA USA and online through sessions we call Mind Meld with Miracle.

Over the last six weeks we have been exploring the benefits of using the plasma energy created from Miracle to remotely interact with a small test group of individuals.  The results are proving to be quite spectacular.

Here is a little feedback from two individuals who participated:

"This session was the best ever!  I was in a trance and am still feeling like I traveled to another dimension.  Last night the vibrations from the energy were palpably audible, a kind of earth song.  Today I just wanted to focus and do spiritual disciplines all day -- have done much candle focus.  It feels like energy, blood, etc. are all whizzing through me.”  -- A Quadriplegic, USA


“I wanted to share that I had listened in on the conference call that you and Wayne did on Saturday night including the 30 minute meditation. During the meditation I felt some powerful energies moving through me and through my third eye and my pineal. I have to say that I was really impressed by the overall experience and by the potential that I see that Miracle holds.”  -- John Pavlik, USA

Miracle acts as an antenna pulling in plasma energy. Plasma, from my understanding, exists at the top of the visible light spectrum, above Gamma. In essence it is at the top of the unified field. It carries no polarity. If energy is information being carried on a wave frequency then it would stand that plasma carries an intelligence. Everything we are observing supports this. Introducing this energy to humans, animals and plants can bring about a balancing effect that initiates beneficial influences. This stabilization allows the cells to resume a state of normal function. The resultant peace and calmness can only be experienced.

One and half years of unfunded dedication have gone by in the commitment to get Miracle to this point of development.  So we are asking for a $3.00 donation when you join us. Why only $3.00?  We want to make this available to all of humanity and realize that in many countries $3.00 is a weeks’ pay.  So give what you can.  If you can easily donate more, then we accept that also. There is a lot more research and development being done requiring resources.  We appreciate your assistance.  It is always a wonderful outcome when everyone benefits.


There is a place to add a Note when making the donation, please include your choice of the next upcoming Mind Meld with Miracle dates:

We often hold them Saturdays at 6PM Pacific Time. We plan to schedule other regular times as well. Be sure to send us your email to receive updates at mindmeldwithmiracle@gmail.com. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions.

After we have received your donation, we will send Zoom Meeting login and pass code information to your email address within the 24 hours before the session and encourage you to read on “The Reveal” by Wayne Wangler at http://www.plasmabalancingsystemsllc.com/index.php/about-us-2-2-2/


What to expect in an online session?

Make sure to be in a comfortable space and do not drive or operate machinery.

Background Knowledge

Presented as an overview by the creator of the device, Wayne R. Wangler, this will be live or sent as a video link to watch prior to the session.

How to work with Miracle

Live in the session we will show you how to connect with and receive healing from Miracle.  All that is needed is for you to give your appreciation to Miracle and be open to explore something new and willing to receive the energy to support your highest and best.

Mind Meld

Once everyone is set to go, we turn on some music and allow you time to journey with Miracle.  During this 30 minute time frame you will have your experience with Miracle.


We are all discovering a new frontier together with Miracle and value your experience, you can email us any time at mindmeldwithmiracle@gmail.com.  Let us know your story!

Join us on FB at:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindmeldwithmiracle/
Want to visit Miracle in person?  Visit www.plasmabalancingsystemsllc.com

for contact information to schedule an appointment.

Supporting the Miracle within!

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